Hi! My name is Daniel. I am a computational cell factory engineer who is passionate about building digital solutions to make biology easier to engineer.


Data Scientist

Novo Nordisk Pharmatech A/S
April 2024 - Ongoing

Pilot Scientist

Novo Nordisk A/S
March 2022 - March 2024
- Data visualization and digital twin building in OBIsoft PI vision
- Downstream process engineering (chromatographic purification, membrane filtration, and modification)
- Systems analysis for the design and implementation processes in a Manufacturing Execution System
- Built scripts for automation and streamlining repetitive workflows and a library for processmodeling using Python
- SOP and batch journal writing and reviewing, among other GxP related activities
- Local IT expert and data integrity steward

Website Design, Development, and Management and Text Curation

Freelance, self-employed
January 2020 - ongoing
- Website design and deployment in WordPress for small companies
- Translation of product texts and customer service for european E-commerce websites

Student Researcher, DTU BioBuilders (iGEM)

DTU Bioengineering
February 2020 - November 2020
- Experimental design and execution to make a CRISPR library for controlling morphology in Aspergillus niger
- Molecular cloning and lab scale fermentations to validate newly constructed biobricks and asses morphology
- Communication and discussions of previous results and future plans in a team of 13 students and 4 supervisors
Awards: Best Model, Best Manufacturing Project, Best Part Collection

Customer Service, Cashier, and Sales Assistant

October 2013 - November 2020
- Management of the customer service team
- Customer service and communication to ensure an awesome shopping experience and customer satisfaction

Substitute Teacher

Campusskolen Ringsted
March 2017 - September 2017
- Taught math, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, and physical education to 7-9th graders


Master of Science in Engineering (Biotechnology)

Technical University of Denmark
September 2019 - July 2021
Master thesis, Bacterial Cell Factory Optimisation group, DTU Biosustain
- Metabolic modeling of cell production strains using Genome-Scale and Black Box Models
- Built a novel model combining two types of metabolic models from different industrially relevant organisms
- Design and execution of cultivation experiments to elucidate critical steps in a co-cultivation
- Secretome prediction for an unconventional production organism using bioinformatics approaches
- Data analysis to evaluate the feasibility of the project in an industrial setting

Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry

University of Copenhagen
September 2016 - June 2019
Bachelor thesis, Cell and Neurobiology group, University of Copenhagen
- Experimental design and construction of CRISPR vectors to genetically engineer Drosophila melanogaster
- Validation of genetic alterations through pupae size screening and immunostaining and RT-qPCR of tissues
- Analysis of data related to expression and physical alterations